Terms and Conditions
Written: September 19th, 2016
Last Updated on: September 22nd, 2021







 ( ” THE SPONSOR ” )

What does it mean to be a Sponsor of The Vibe-Tribe?

Being a sponsor of The Vibe-Tribe entitles you to receive free promotional merchandise, flyers, cards, a personalized discount code for our website that allows the sponsor to purchase products at a discount, as well as a specialized discount code to our website for promotional advertisement that the sponsor can use to pass out. By being a sponsor of our company you will be expected to advertise for us at events. You simply notify us where you are going, how big the event is, when it is happening and we will have flyers sent to you free-of-charge.

When you are a member of The Tribe and become an official sponsor you will start receiving promotional products. Your first official promotional product will be either a T-Shirt or Tank-Top. It will be a design that cannot be purchased and is exclusive to our promoters. It matches the business cards you will receive as well. The more sales we see with your coupon code, the more free products we will send your way. This is to influence more advertisement towards people who are more likely to finalize a purchase. 

Quite simple, is it not?

There are a few Terms and Conditions you must agree to abide by before we can provide these services to you.
By becoming a sponsor of The Vibe-Tribe, LLC: You gain a few special privileges, alongside some responsibilities.

Provided Privileges:

  1. You will receive a specialized coupon code that you pick, to give anyone you meet: Free Shipping & 10% off their next purchase.
    (Promotional Discount) 
  2. You will receive personal coupon codes every 6 months only available for sponsors to use to purchase highly discounted products. The higher the tier you’re on, the higher the percentage discount you receive.
    (Personal Discount) 
  3. You will receive special promotional items, with specialized designs, designed only sponsors apart of this program are able to obtain. 
  4. You will receive promotional flyers and/or cards to hand out at events you attend.

+1.0/sale (Chief Credit) The more sales we see from your coupon code, the more free merchandise you receive. Being an active promoter pays off!

+0.50 (Chief Credit) Take photos of yourself and friends enjoying yourselves at events wearing our products to be sponsored on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I.E. :

(Hashtag #VibeTribeClothing or #TVT or #TheVibeTribe in description)
(tag @TheVibe_Tribe on Twitter or Instagram)
(tag “The Vibe-Tribe Apparel” AKA: @TheVibeTribeLLC on Facebook)
(or send us your photo and we’ll upload it ourselves!)

+0.25/share (Chief Credit) Share our posts: our Fresh Friday’s, ‘Fresh off the Press’ when we release a new design or product.
NEW: Share our advertisements, or our update posts from our social media posts

+0.50 to +1.0 (Chief Credit) Give “The Vibe-Tribe” a shout out in the description of any Flow Arts videos you upload of yourself, including a link to our website or tag to our Facebook or Instagram pages for half a credit.
NEW: Show off your promotional item(s) in any festival, show, club, rave, or flow arts video for a full credit!

Learn More About Chief Credits and The Tribal Totem Tier System:

(The “Chief Credits” and “Tier System” are explained here)

(By signing this contract you are agreeing to the fact that you understand the following)

  1. You understand that this contract may be terminated at any point in time, for any reason, by either party.
  2. You understand that you will be expected to create an account on our website. This is so that we can provide the sponsors (and only the sponsors) coupon codes every 6 months that allow a larger discount than anyone else. Also, we need your shipping address to send you promotional merchandise. As well as change your role from “Customer” to “Sponsor”. This will allow you to view pages “customers” cannot view.
  3.  You understand that your Personal Discount coupon code can only be used by you, for you. You may use it to purchase gifts, but you may not use it by giving it away to a non-sponsor.
  4. You understand that you will be expected to advertise for us at events.
  5. You understand that you will be expected to wear our clothing line at events.
  6. You understand that you will not be allowed to use your coupon code for your own personal gain, other than the provided privileges listed above.
  7. You understand that you are not an “employee” of The Vibe-Tribe, LLC therefore you will not be treated like an employee. You are not subject to payment for your effort, you are however, subject to compensation for your efforts, depending on your efforts your gains will differentiate.

By becoming a sponsor of The Vibe-Tribe, LLC. You agree to the Terms and Conditions listed below:

By signing this contract you are agreeing to the fact that you acknowledge your responsibilities as a Sponsor of The Vibe-Tribe, LLC. You are also agreeing to have read the entirety of this contract and that you understand everything that has been mentioned within the text previously listed.

Both parties entering this contract keep the right to terminate this contract at any time, for any reason. This is an “At-Will” Contract, pursuant to the laws in the state of Delaware. A written notice of termination is required 7 business days prior to termination, by either party.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please don’t be shy and give us a ring any day of the week, from 8AM – 8PM (EST -5:00)

Business Tel: 1(347) 771-VIBE (8423)
Email: [email protected]